colors affects mood

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How Colors Affect Our Moods

If you are not completely color blind chances are you might associate certain colors with certain feelings. Studies as far back as 1930 show that people, at least in the western world, associate colors with specific feelings. We use colors as metaphors for emotions. Red represents anger while blue is seen as serene and dignified. A study published more recently in BMC medical research methodology found this to be true. Some happy people picked a happy yellow as associated with their mood while some people with depression and anxiety picked shades of grey to describe their mood.

colors affect moods

Colors can even change the way drugs work. Color blue makes for better sedatives while red makes stimulants more effective. Speaking of red, there really seems to be some strong feelings surrounding the hot hue. Red seems to be the universal color that means stop, danger or hot. While you might think this might be connected to culture somehow, think again. This has more to do with our biology than anything. One study in the journal motion found out that when people see red they react stronger and faster. Red is often seen as the sexy color. And one study from the journal of experimental social psychology found that to hold up across different cultures. But it’s not just people, one study published in psychological science found out that male monkeys avoid r act submissively around someone who wears red So maybe the root of red reactions lie deep within our DNA.

red means danger

Some scientist thinks this could be because red is so important for communication, a flushed face could signal could mean that someone is angry or maybe ready to hit the sheets. But other colors carry meaning too. It is easy to be calming around the green. One study published in environmental science and technology found out that color green might make you enjoy your workout more. Researchers found out that men who worked out around the color green were less tired and had fewer mood disturbances. Other studies show that colors with shorter wavelength such as blue and green project feeling of calmness. A study published in a Journal of Applied Psychology Health and Wellbeing found that kids with ADHD experienced fewer symptoms after playing in an outdoor green space. Greenlight also enhances your creativity according to a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. These benefits of green might be because a lush green landscape meant a fertile land and plenty of food for our ancestors.

green calms
Blue can mean a few different things too. One shade can be calming while a darker blue might signal sadness. The blue light might perk us up. One reason might be because of acts up with our biological clock. On a bright sunny day, the sky is a brilliant blue telling us to be awake. This is one of the reasons why the blue light from your laptops and phones can keep you awake at night.
So if you want to be pumped up you should be seeing red.

blue and green room calms

If you want to calm down surround yourself with hues of blue and green and if you want yourself and others in a good mood try changing the colors of your shirt/environment.  So next time you are picking colors for the different rooms in your house keep these tips in mind.

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