phases of the moon

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Phases of the Moon for Toddlers

Phases of the Moon: Geography nomenclatures for the modern Montessori classroom used to teach children the phases of the moon. Most of the classrooms use a practical approach to explain different phases of the moon by using Phases of the Moon Puzzle.

Moon has been a topic of interest for my 3-year-old son for a long time as well! I am explaining the way you can help your kids to understand different phases as well.

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Lunar Phases of the Moon

The lunar phase or phases of the moon indicates the illuminated portion of the moon which a person observes from the earth.

Different shapes of the moon are known as phases of the moon. The revolution of the moon around earth makes it appear like it is changing shapes. From the earth we see the moon grow from a thin crescent to a full disc and then shrink back to a thin crescent again before vanishing for a few days.

Lunar Phase is the amount of moon we can see from the earth depending upon how much it is lit up by the sun. And this amount changes every day. The phases of the Moon depends on the moon’s position about the earth and the Sun. As the moon makes its way around the earth, we see the bright parts of the moon’s surface at different angles, these are called phases of the moon.

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Different Phases of the Moon:

Phases of the Moon are named after how much of the moon we can see and whether the amount visible is increasing or decreasing each day. The names of these phases are:

New Moon: Phase 1 is known as New Moon. In this phase, we cannot see any part of the illuminated half of the moon.

Waxing Crescent: Phase 2 is known as waxing crescent. Waxing means that the moon is going from a smaller size to a larger size and Crescent means that it is between the new moon and half-moon it looks like a sickle-like when you take a bite out of a cookie.

First Quarter: Phase 3 is called as first quarter. In this phase, the moon appears half-lit to us.

Waxing Gibbous: Phase 4 is called Waxing Gibbous. In this phase, the moon appears more than half-lit. The moon shows a hump.

Full Moon: Phase 5 is the full moon.

Waning Gibbous: Phase 6 is the Waning Gibbous. The moon is decreasing, going from full moon to quarter moon.

Third Quarter: Phase 7 is the Third quarter or last quarter. The moon appears half-lit again.

Waning Crescent: Phase 8 is the waning crescent moon this is the last phase before the next new moon.

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When the moon comes between the earth and sun, it enters the New moon phase again. The number of days between 2 new moons is 29 as the moon takes approximately 29 days to revolve once around the earth. These changing shapes of the moon are called phases of the moon or cycle of the moon or moon cycle.


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